Whiplash after a Car Accident and the Importance of Treatment
After a car accident, you will likely feel some pain in your neck once the adrenaline dies down. The pain is similar to what you get when you sleep with your neck in an awkward position. Caused by a fast yet forceful back-and-fort movement, it puts a strain on your neck and is most common in rear-end accidents. Very often, whiplash is dismissed as a minor injury. That being said, unless it’s treated properly, this type of pain can last for several years. This is why it is important to get yourself checked immediately after an accident, as it may prevent
How Long Does It Take to Settle a Car Accident Claim in Florida?
When you get into a car accident – especially one where you are the victim, you may have several compensations to claim. That being said, like any other legal procedure, insurance claims may take a long time to settle. You want to get on with your life as quickly as possible. So, how long will it take for the whole thing to be over? On average, it takes up to 30 days for the process to be over in Florida. That being said, certain factors may change that.1. Cause of the Accident For some, it might appear obvious which vehicle crashed into
At-Fault Driver Offers Me Money at the Accident Scene: What Do I Do?
When someone crashes into your car and it’s obviously their fault, you expect them to pay for the damage that they did. Very often, the at-fault driver does not want to get the authorities involved. As a result, they offer you cash to cover the expenses instead. But should you take that cash? Or should you talk with your attorney and the insurance company first? Well, there are several good reasons why you shouldn’t take the money at the scene, and we will go over them shortly.Is It Illegal to Give Cash After an Accident? Technically speaking, it is not illegal to
The 14 Days Law
Florida is a no-fault state, which means your auto insurance company must provide coverage for your medical bills, lost wages, and other related expenses, no matter who is at fault in a car accident.One crucial fact to remember is that you must get medical treatment within 14 days of the accident to receive compensation. If you fail to do so, you will not be entitled to these benefits. Advanced Medical Treatment Center has over three decades of experience in the industry. We know the correct steps you should be taking to ensure you receive the quality care and compensation you need
What To Do After A Car Accident: A Step-By-Step Guide
https://youtu.be/33kAeo7lokEWhen you get into a car accident, there are certain steps you may want to take in order to help make sure everyone is safe, to follow the law and to get the insurance claim process started.According to the Insurance Information Institute (III), the following steps may help guide you through important decisions you need to make if you've been in a car accident, whether you were at fault for the accident or not.“I just had an accident. Now what do I do
What to do after a Slip-and-Fall Accident
1. Seek Medical Attention Not only is medical attention critical for your safety, but it’s also the first step in building your case. When you’re hurt in a slip and fall, the first thing that you need to do is document your injuries. Visiting a doctor immediately after your slip and fall is the most important thing you can do to create an expert record of your injuries.Seeking medical attention quickly after a slip and fall also proves the timing of your injuries. It’s common for the defense to try to dismiss your injuries, saying that you must have gotten them